Business Insurance

Ranging from General Business Liability all the way to Workers’ Compensation, Business Insurance is a topic that’s as deep as it is wide – and one that every business owner or manager needs to understand. 

Unexpected things happen in business every day: a disaster strikes, a business partner dies, a worker becomes injured, a lawsuit is filed against you, or some other issue. When your business is threatened by forces you cannot control, you’d better be able to fall back on something you can control, like your insurance protection.

We can assess your business needs, analyze your risk, and recommend precisely the right coverage to protect you, your business, your employees and your assets. 

Go ahead…focus on running your business and doing what you do best. And we’ll do what we do best and devise the optimal insurance protection plan for you.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

The Business Owners Package (BOP)

The Business Owners Package (BOP) very well might be considered the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of insurance protection. Why? It’s the one tool that combines several of the most necessary business insurance products into a single, very helpful package.

A BOP contains the most basic insurance coverage options for your business. This can include, but is not limited to, such protection as Property insurance (for buildings & contents), Liability protection (for legal issues or lawsuits), even Business Interruption insurance (to cover the loss of revenues suffered due to a fire, tornado or other disaster). All in all, a BOP is a pretty handy business protection tool for you to have.

Your BOP may be the one ‘package’ you’ll be glad to unwrap if and when your business suffers some major loss or calamity. And we’re just the guys to wrap it up for you.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Insurance Bonds

Insurance bonds could just as easily be called ‘Assurance’ bonds, because that’s 

precisely what they do: provide assurance that the contractor hired to do the job for you completes the job as required. 

If you’re a client seeking to have construction or remodeling work performed by a contractor, you’ll want your contractor to be bonded to complete the work. 

If you’re a contractor hired to do the job for your client, you’ll want an insurance bond so that – if a default occurs – the insurance company will pay the client to cover the financial loss should the work not be completed.

A little bit of insurance goes a long way and is your ‘assurance’ that the job gets done.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Workers’ Compensation

Accidents happen – that’s why they’re called ‘accidents’. Sometimes, in the process of doing work for your business, a worker can become injured in an accident. And sometimes, that injury turns out to be more severe than anyone expected.

Workers’ compensation insurance can replace lost wages and provide medical benefits to an employee who becomes injured while working for you.

In extreme cases when an employee is severely injured or even killed, a solid workers’ compensation insurance policy can provide the worker (or their heirs) with replacement wages in the present, compensation for lost wages in the future, payment or reimbursement of medical expenses, as well as death benefits payable to the deceased worker’s family or dependents.

Workers’ comp is a complicated insurance scenario, because requirements can differ by the state and even the county in which the coverage is effective.

The fate of your business – and of your employees – is too important to be taken lightly. Get the expert advice that only a trusted insurer like Perryton Insurance can provide.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Do I Really Need Insurance?
Is it worth losing sleep over? Is it worth losing your savings over?