Health Insurance

While the effects of sickness, injuries and disease have been with us for millennia, the concept of health insurance has only come about in the last 90 years or so. And now it’s everywhere, confronting you with an 'alphabet soup' of confusing letters and meanings: PPOs, HMOs, EPOs, often managed by your PCP.  

These days, it takes an experienced and knowledgeable insurance partner to help you navigate the perplexing world of health insurance. Let us remove the confusion and replace it with choices, plans, premium and deductible options that simplify your life and respect your budget.

Count on us to help you find the health insurance plan and price that’s right for you, your family or your employees today.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Dental Insurance

It’s often said that the health of your mouth is a reflection on the overall health of the rest of your body. In this day and age it makes perfect sense to maintain a healthy mouth, teeth and gums now to avoid major dental expenses later. And that’s why quality dental insurance is such a wise investment.

There are a variety of dental insurance plans now being offered that can be perfectly tailored to your exact needs and budget. All it requires is a few minutes to answer a few questions and you’ll be on your way.

Get – and keep – a healthy mouth and smile with an excellent dental insurance plan. To get started, just don’t forget to call us first. Oh…and don’t forget to floss.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Critical Illness Insurance

This product is exactly what it says it is; insurance to protect you from any critical medical illness or disease that drastically alters your lifestyle. 

Such protection would cover you from a wide variety of afflictions such as blindness, kidney failure, a major organ transplant, Alzheimer’s disease, permanent paralysis and Parkinson’s disease, just to name a few.

Your coverage provides a payout – either as a lump sum or configured to pay out as regular, recurring income – in the event of your critical or potentially terminal illness. 

And while such a possibility is not very pleasant to talk about, talking about it with us could be precisely the financial cure for your family and loved ones.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Long Term Care Insurance

Just as its name implies, long term care insurance is generally intended for the elderly and those who simply cannot take care of themselves or continue to lead a normal, daily life. And it’s the perfect answer to supplement those costs of care NOT covered by regular health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. 

Have an aging parent in need of assisted living or a nursing home? Or perhaps an adult sibling who requires home health care or adult day care? Then long term care insurance is likely the solution for their particular situation.

Many adults who simply do not want to depend on their adult children or family to care for them in their declining years are opting for long term care insurance now, before old age sets in.

Every person, every family and every health situation is different. But you can address any need with one phone call to us and get the answers you need!

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Medicare Supplemental Coverage

After a lifetime of hard work and planning, you’ll likely become a Medicare subscriber in your golden years. But Medicare was never intended to pay for every health care cost you might incur. 

To protect you from this ‘gap’ in your benefits, many opt for Medicare supplemental coverage. Such an option helps to cover copayments, coinsurance, deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs not covered by basic Medicare.

There are differences in coverage, cost and benefits related to Medicare supplemental coverage. But even if you aren’t an expert on all of your Medicare options and benefits, don’t worry – because we are! 

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Vision Insurance

Most people need this form of insurance, but for some reason, they just can’t see it!

To get serious, vision insurance provides coverage for the services of vision experts like optometrists and ophthalmologists to test, assess and correct vision problems for their patients. 

Yearly eye exams, eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses are typically covered by vision insurance – either in part or in full, with or without copays – depending on the plan you choose.

For all the facts and options available for you and other family members, see your way clear to contact us for answers.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Do I Really Need Insurance?
Insurance is a bad word up until the time that you need it in a bad way.