Boat Insurance

Ahoy there! If you don’t have loss coverage and liability protection on your watercraft, you’re missing the boat (insurance).

OK, seriously, if you have a motorized watercraft such as a motorboat, jet skis, pontoon boat, fishing boat or any other watercraft, protect your investment with boat insurance. 

Motorized boats of any kind have just as many insurance needs as your automobile or truck may have, including coverage to protect you (and others) from damages due to collisions, theft or destruction, liability claims, uninsured boater’s protection, medical expenses, towing costs, fishing equipment and personal property losses. 

It’s nice to know that all of the reasons to have boat insurance can be solved with one, simple phone call to us. Now the question is, ’water’ you waiting for? Call us today.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Umbrella Insurance

Most people are familiar with the term ‘umbrella’ insurance, but few know its true meaning. 

Umbrella coverage is for liability protection above and beyond the financial limits of other policies you may have in place, or losses not covered by your current policies. Said another way, Umbrella insurance can bridge the financial gap between what your current policy pays and what the actual loss may cost. 

Typical areas where actual damages may exceed policy limits include motor vehicle accidents with extensive bodily injury or even death, swimming pool accidents or even lesser events such as slip-and-fall accidents or dog bite accidents on your property – even slander or libel-related lawsuits.

Call or click for a price and coverage quote today!

Do I Really Need Insurance?
Had you known the accident was going to happen when/how/where/why it happened, you could have avoided it.